Thursday, October 27, 2011

Life Without Me

Now you know why you feel so low everywhere you go cuz you cant have life without me.

Tell Your Boyfriend

Hey Tell Your Boyfriend He Aint Got Shit On Me

Today was a good day

Today was just another day. Not really exceptional, but it was a good day over-all since nothing bad happened. Right?

I got up early, went to work, ate breakfast, made some calls, and did quite a bit of research into this whole Occupy movement.

The crazy thing is that I wrote a song around the begining of September that highlighted the problems that are now correlated to Occupy Wall Street. I should be getting it recorded very soon, but it's a deep song that touches on the subject of the world in general being a fucked up place, and the people who are fake and deceitful and have been bought and payed for getting away with corrupting our very way of life.

So, I'm with the Occupy movement. But it's not just Occupy Wall Street anymore. This movement (revolution?) has developed into more of a story for the history books! How long did they think we were just going to sit back and let them fuck us in every way?! Information and Disinformation. For years they fed us disonformation, until we gave ourselves Social Networking, FREE OF CHARGE. With fully integrated social networking (it's on your phone, and your computer, everyone has a phone ,if not a computer) we can't be bullied by the mainstream media into watching incorrect representations that are skewed and biased, so now we have the information to make our own decisions. How can you report on the company you own? I wouldn't expect for Fox to do a story on Rupert Murdoch, would you?

But now, there's Youtube. We have our own television that truly is BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. So the stories that they would have contained, are going viral, and everything that's done in the dark comes into the light eventually.

So, reader, when you read then research, and when you research, learn.

The large corporations entire boardrooms are full of millionaires. And these aren't the visible kind of millionaires that you see driving around in lamborghinis and bugattis, these are men and women in suits that travel to and from work in a taxi or on the subway or drive Mercedes and Lexus and downplay their status. I have no ill-will towards someone who is successful. By all means, get your piece of the American dream. But not when it cost others their entire life-line!

The problem comes into play when a pesky "law" stops a company from doing something that increases their ad revenue and profitability. So then you have "lobbyist". That's when someone goes to THE GOVERNMENT and "donates" large sums of money in order for their interests to be represented when congress brings new bills into action. They LOBBY to literally change the laws to benefit their company!

So our political system is bought and payed for and all along we think we have a say in the matter.

It's the oldest trick in the book. Stack the deck. Provide both teams for a game, so regardless of who loses you win. It doesn't matter who you VOTE into office if the CHOICES you are given are controlled by the same parties!

In other words, even though the people who represent the companies change every few years, the companies stay the same and grow bigger and more powerful which makes it a lot easier to persuade the replacement parties in office to their side of the field.

There was a seperation of church and state(Remember being in school and pledging ALLEGIANCE to the flag and the republic for which it stands, One Nation, UNDER GOD, with liberty and justice for ALL?...that's gone). There needs to be a seperation of business and state. If you really want to make a change, then pass a law that stops elected officials from accepting money for "campaigning" or "donations" from large corporations. How many millionaires are in Congress? at least half. with 55 of them having a valued networth of over $10,000,000.00
How much of that came from being in congress? roughly $174,000.00 a year.

So where did the rest of it come from?

The neat thing about the new Constitution Of The Unites States Of America is that it's flexible! Look how many laws got changed (the ones in red!)

So now they tried to pit the police against the people, As evidenced in Oakland. And now you Have OccupyPolice OccupyNavy OccupyArmy OccupyAirForce and OccupyMarines

Now lets OccupyTheSenate

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Freestyle Friday Every Day!

One thing I've always been able to do is walk up to a cyph and freestyle with the rest of 'em. So when I get the opportunity to capture it on film, I just don't shut up.

This is a 15 minute freestyle. Every word is straight off the top of my head on the spot with no planning or preperation. It's long, but I switch the style up quite a bit.

The thrill of the stage.

When I was in Orlando, FL I started selling CDs out on International Drive while I was staying at a Super 8. I just wanted to get my cds out on the streets. Orlando has a thriving underground hip hop scene and I got quite a few chances to perform. One of my favorite events was the "Who's hotter than me" expo at club 57West. There were about 700 people there with 15 performers, and I had the honor of going first.

My First Music Video

I finally got a chance to shoot a music video for one of my songs. I chose Stick To The Plan because I feel like it embodies our lifestyle. You can never deviate from the strategy! With no game plan, there is no game!


You think you know me, but you don't understand who I am.
You can't control me! In fact, keep tryin' I don't give a damn!
It's like they told me, no matter what just Stick To The Plan!

Introducing Nox

Sorry I'm late!!

I chose the hand-to-hand method over internet releases. I thrive on feedback.

Here's a quick rundown of what me and my team are all about

I'm Nox. I'm the President/C.E.O./Co-Founder

Next Level Productions, Inc
Next Level DJ Coalition
Self Made

Next Level Productions : Step Your Game Up/ Constantly improve and adapt to your environment, not just in music, but in LIFE! Keep improving,  you never hit a peak, and when you learn how to learn the possibilities are endless!

F.Y.F. : Feed Your Family/ Take care of the people who take care of you. This is a movement, the F.Y.F. tattoo can be found in many states on many people. It's only legit if it's money green.

Self Made : It's Not A Name, It's A Way Of Life!/ We did everything independently! I built my own pro tools studio and started recording music. I networked with DJs and got my music spun in several major clubs, and on radio stations, and I networked with Producers and got major label industry beats. I don't sell drugs, and I don't front or act like a gangster. I'm a hustla in every since of the word, but I do hustle legally!

I've been doing music for about 14 years. I've recorded a little over 100 songs, and sold around 10,000 cds hand to hand. My team is all about being REAL and speaking about your life on records.

Personally, I'm sick to death of being force fed trends. This isn't trendy, it's a lifestyle.

We try to translate our real emotions and situations into our music.

I hope you enjoy listening, and watching, and I welcome any and all comments and feedback!