Monday, November 21, 2011

Mission Statement Of An Honest Rapper

Mission Statement

My mission as an artists is to create music that is based off of real life. I feel like the majority of commercial hip hop is based off of glorifying the wrong type of lifestyles and portraying an image to the susceptible mind of today's youth, which in turn drastically alters their appearance, dialect, and activities. Nobody tells them that the chances of succeeding as a drug dealer or a "gangster" are actually less than the chances of actually succeeding in the music or sports industries! The drug trade is similiar to our current economical crisis, in that the majority of the money is made by the top 1 percent and everybody else does all the work and takes major risks for little reward.
My stance on talking about dealing drugs and killing people and doing other illicit activites is simple :

*IF you are one of the few that are actually reflecting on your past and not just fabricating a lifestyle out of thin air, I understand where you are coming from! Everyone has to eat. The job market is very tenuous right now, and not a lot of people have a perfect record. Do whatever you have to do to survive your situation. But leave it at that! Don't brag about it afterwards! If you really murdered somebody or you sell copious amounts of narcotics then eventually you are going to be under observation from various law enforcement agencies, and the last thing you want to do is set yourself up for an indictment!

*If you do not live that type of lifestyle, then don't talk about it! Just because the belt you bought at the flea market says Gucci, it doesn't mean you can claim that you spent $1,000.00 for your belt! Your lifestyle betrays you! You have to have and maintain a certain financial lifestyle to wear ridiculously expensive clothes! With the age of social media and facebook everything you do is transparent. You don't even realize it but your tweets and your status updates are shaping an image. When people see you talking about a modest life when it really comes down to it, and then hear you on a record saying that you're in a maybach and you're out selling drugs and robbing people, they are going to see right through you! And maybe, just maybe someone might hear it that really does live that lifestyle and get offended that you are glorifying the things they had to do for survival and test you to find out if you are really what you claim.

With that said, my life has been insane. I aim to make music with substance instead of just rapping to be a rapper! I have a drive and a fierce hunger that won't relent. I make music because I have to, not because I want to be a rapper. I talk about my life and my views and philosophys. I talk about real world situations that are relevant to today's society. Life has it's ups and downs, and my music is something like an elevator, taking you through floor after floor of different periods and different outlooks. I like to make catchy, melodic hooks that are easy to remember but have a subtle message, and I like to elaborate on what the message is and explain the methods involved when i write my verses.

I don't intentionally write punchlines and metaphors, they actually happen naturally. What you have to understand about me is that I dropped out of school in the 8th grade, and I educated myself, primarily by reading novels. I took my GED test when I was 17 and I scored in the top 1 percent of the nation's results, with the equivalent of a 4.0 GPA. I'm self educated through everything I do. I always had to write. I remember as far back as when I was 9 and I would write poems, and when I was 14 I started putting those poems on beats. I'm currently 28, so through the 14 years that I have been a rapper I have seen a lot of trends come and go. I've never folded to a trend and I never will. I don't let other people decide my taste. I develop my own opinions, and I share my opinions based on facts.

I've always been very strict on myself on structure and delivery. I feel like there are millions of "rappers" out there, and one of the easiest way to tell that someone has actually spent a decent amount of time and developed is through their delivery and their structure. When I write a song I automatically write in the cadence of the words, so I rehearse the lines the exact same way everytime. Thus, when I go into the booth I already know exactly how I want it to sound. I also write out the pauses and breaths and every little laugh and adlib, and I have it all rehearsed and ready when I actually record it. It is my mission to maintain as near to perfect structure as is possible, which is writing in only 2 or 4 bar increments, and never switching the rhyme scheme at a random interval, as well as to maintain a delivery that I actually put my emotions and every ounce I have into. When I record my songs a lot of times I am actually light headed and dizzy from how "hard" i deliver my words. This is because I rap from my stomach and I project my voice, and I mean exactly what I say and speak from the heart.

I feel like it is about more than just writing words on a page. It is about entertainment, and either you have had the type of experiences and lessons that are entertaining, or you haven't. If you haven't then that's fine, maybe being a rapper isn't the best avenue for you to take. You might be more suited to being a producer, or a dj, or a promoter, or maybe you're the next LA Reid?

I'm just me. I'm very outspoken. I will always speak my mind, on any subject, at any time, with no regard to censorship. I am knowledgable on a lot of different subjects ranging from the life and death of 2pac to the allegories of Socrates via Plato. I have had an amazing life, with some very intense highs and lows, and that is what my music represents. It goes far beyond the music. I invite you to actually listen to the cds and hear me in different stages of my life, representing the exact circumstances! There is also a wealth of knowledge to be gained by listening to and correctly interpreting the punchlines and the metaphors.

Don't get me wrong. I do talk about extravagant lifestyles in so much as wearing expensive clothes and spending money and going to clubs popping bottles, but the difference is, I talk about it when i have that lifestyle. I say names of the girls and the clubs, and names of the people who were there, and at the same time I don't take it overboard. I don't "make it rain" on anybody or say that I'm in a maybach.

And my crew, Self Made, they do tell you about the times where they had to hustle or struggle , but they really did that and have the type of background that they talk about.

The music I have released is actually a minimum of a year old. I have new material that is lightyears ahead of the releases that are already generating extensive attention. I want you to get to know me and find out what I am all about, and then when the time comes, I will give you my album, The Evolution.

Next Level Productions
Self Made
Next Level DJ Coalition

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Life Without Me

Now you know why you feel so low everywhere you go cuz you cant have life without me.

Tell Your Boyfriend

Hey Tell Your Boyfriend He Aint Got Shit On Me

Today was a good day

Today was just another day. Not really exceptional, but it was a good day over-all since nothing bad happened. Right?

I got up early, went to work, ate breakfast, made some calls, and did quite a bit of research into this whole Occupy movement.

The crazy thing is that I wrote a song around the begining of September that highlighted the problems that are now correlated to Occupy Wall Street. I should be getting it recorded very soon, but it's a deep song that touches on the subject of the world in general being a fucked up place, and the people who are fake and deceitful and have been bought and payed for getting away with corrupting our very way of life.

So, I'm with the Occupy movement. But it's not just Occupy Wall Street anymore. This movement (revolution?) has developed into more of a story for the history books! How long did they think we were just going to sit back and let them fuck us in every way?! Information and Disinformation. For years they fed us disonformation, until we gave ourselves Social Networking, FREE OF CHARGE. With fully integrated social networking (it's on your phone, and your computer, everyone has a phone ,if not a computer) we can't be bullied by the mainstream media into watching incorrect representations that are skewed and biased, so now we have the information to make our own decisions. How can you report on the company you own? I wouldn't expect for Fox to do a story on Rupert Murdoch, would you?

But now, there's Youtube. We have our own television that truly is BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. So the stories that they would have contained, are going viral, and everything that's done in the dark comes into the light eventually.

So, reader, when you read then research, and when you research, learn.

The large corporations entire boardrooms are full of millionaires. And these aren't the visible kind of millionaires that you see driving around in lamborghinis and bugattis, these are men and women in suits that travel to and from work in a taxi or on the subway or drive Mercedes and Lexus and downplay their status. I have no ill-will towards someone who is successful. By all means, get your piece of the American dream. But not when it cost others their entire life-line!

The problem comes into play when a pesky "law" stops a company from doing something that increases their ad revenue and profitability. So then you have "lobbyist". That's when someone goes to THE GOVERNMENT and "donates" large sums of money in order for their interests to be represented when congress brings new bills into action. They LOBBY to literally change the laws to benefit their company!

So our political system is bought and payed for and all along we think we have a say in the matter.

It's the oldest trick in the book. Stack the deck. Provide both teams for a game, so regardless of who loses you win. It doesn't matter who you VOTE into office if the CHOICES you are given are controlled by the same parties!

In other words, even though the people who represent the companies change every few years, the companies stay the same and grow bigger and more powerful which makes it a lot easier to persuade the replacement parties in office to their side of the field.

There was a seperation of church and state(Remember being in school and pledging ALLEGIANCE to the flag and the republic for which it stands, One Nation, UNDER GOD, with liberty and justice for ALL?...that's gone). There needs to be a seperation of business and state. If you really want to make a change, then pass a law that stops elected officials from accepting money for "campaigning" or "donations" from large corporations. How many millionaires are in Congress? at least half. with 55 of them having a valued networth of over $10,000,000.00
How much of that came from being in congress? roughly $174,000.00 a year.

So where did the rest of it come from?

The neat thing about the new Constitution Of The Unites States Of America is that it's flexible! Look how many laws got changed (the ones in red!)

So now they tried to pit the police against the people, As evidenced in Oakland. And now you Have OccupyPolice OccupyNavy OccupyArmy OccupyAirForce and OccupyMarines

Now lets OccupyTheSenate